Butt-end reducer

Precise removal of root intrusions

What is a butt-end reducer?

Depending on the region, a butt end reducer is also known as a root flare reducer, butt reducer or butt flare reducer. The main task is to process the lower part of the log, where the roots begin to expand, forming what are known as root flares. These widened sections present challenges in the further stages of wood processing.


What are the crucial benefits of a butt-end reducer?

A root flare reducer finds wide application in various aspects of wood processing. Here are the main areas where it is used:

Optimization of the cutting process:

A root inflow reducer is used to remove excess material from the log, which facilitates further processing and improves the efficiency of the cutting and processing operations. This allows for a uniform diameter along the entire length of the log.

Full utilization of raw material:

In many sawmills, root inflows are cut off and treated as production waste. This is a mistake because it is a full-value material that can be used in production processes, thereby preventing waste.

Tool durability:

A log without bark extends the life of saws at further stages of wood processing. Our customers’ experience shows that the tool life increases by up to 100%.

Accuracy in measuring log diameter:

In larger wood processing plants where raw material measurements are conducted,  the use of a root flare reducer ensures that the log’s diameter is uniform along its entire length. This allows for greater accuracy in measuring roundwood.


Additional options for tailor-made solutions

The root flare reducer can be manufactured in various versions, ranging from a standalone, free-standing unit to an integrated part of a production line with accompanying cross and longitudinal feeders.


JUWAL root flare reducer

Butt-end reducer is placed on a solid steel structure, with a built-in milling cutter and an electric motor of 30 or 45 kW. The milling shaft, 800 or 1000 mm long (depending on the log’s length and diameter), is equipped with 45 or 60 cutting knives with high impact strength and temperature resistance. The pressure from above is hydraulically driven, using two rubber wheels that ensure centring and proper pressing of the processed raw material.

If you are looking for reliable and effective solutions for wood processing, our root flow reducers are an excellent choice. Please contact us for additional information and a tailored offer to suit your needs.

Refer to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section below for more information

The lead time depends on the current production situation. However, it should be assumed that it is not less than 4 months. All our machines are made to order and customized to meet each client’s needs. If you do not have that much time, we invite you to check our used machinery section—perhaps you’ll find a solution there that suits you.

Depending on the client’s preference, the installation and initial start-up can be carried out by our qualified team. There is also the option for the client to install it themselves—in this case, we provide detailed instructions on how to properly complete the installation.

Yes. If you would like to view the root flare reducer at our customer’s, please contact us and we will provide information about the nearest production plant where you can view the working reducer.

Yes. The standard warranty period is 12 months from the date of the first start-up at the client’s facility. However, is it possible to extend the warranty? If you are interested in this option, please discuss it with our consultant.

Yes! We deal with the regeneration of sawmill machines, such as root inflow reducers or debarkers. If you are interested, please contact our advisors by email or phone.

Below is a gallery of our projects. Feel free to ask us if you have any doubts or questions.

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